With globalization, the relations of people, companies, private companies, government and government institutions are increasing day by day. These relations are often not achieved through communication in the same language, resulting in the need for mutual translation. For this reason, individuals, companies, private companies and institutions that are in mutual relations demand professional translators/interpreters to ensure mutual agreement. As the Iyitercüme family, we provide the best service according to the category of the text to be translated, and ensure that the concepts are conveyed to the other party according to the meaning used in each language, taking into account what is meant to be said. In this context, we make use of our translators working within the body of Iyitercüme, who are professional translators in their fields.

What is corporate translation?

Institutional translation is a service that mostly developed and developing private companies, corporate companies and government institutions benefit from in their bilateral international relations. In the relations to be established, corporate translation becomes the basic need of the parties in areas such as business partnership, investment projects, desire to establish a common market, sharing economic and political information, and similar areas where mutual communication is required. Since institutions or companies generally use brand language, economic or political jargon rather than expressions used in the common language, it would be more appropriate to use corporate translation instead of normal translation. In this way, it will be possible to reach the targeted focus group more easily and to convey the main mentioned issue to the other party more clearly. Developed institutions and companies generally have institutional translators within their own structure, while other institutions and companies receive assistance from translation and translation agencies. As the Iyitercüme family, we assist your institution in bilateral relations with our professional team, and contribute to solving your problems and needs in a very short time, even in different languages.

What is Considered in the Corporate Translation Process?

The Iyitercüme family provides services by adhering to your field of business and sectoral activity, taking into account your technical language and corporate jargon. The most important difference of institutional translation from other translations is that it takes into account the meaning of the term used according to the field of business. In corporate translation, there are generally brand languages, project names, economic and political terms, and concepts that companies and companies use uniquely. In Iyitercüme, these concepts are translated according to the original meaning that is intended to be used, and it eliminates the problems of meaning confusion and misunderstanding. The constantly updated meanings of terms are taken into account during the translation phase, and concepts and terms that no longer have the same meaning or are not used are paid attention to.

After the corporate translation service is purchased, the customer portfolio of companies, companies and institutions increases, and the language problem in business partnerships and commercial relations is largely eliminated. Institutions speaking the same language are now able to conduct their bilateral relations more easily, eliminating cultural conflicts and misunderstandings.

In Which Documents and Texts Is Institutional Translation Used?

Corporate translation mostly covers the documents and texts to be signed or approved in accordance with the field of activity that companies will carry out jointly. For example;

  • Brochures and promotional catalogs for the commercial area
  • Documents stating the sales conditions of the products
  • Periodic or year-based activity reports of companies
  • User manuals of marketed products
  • Financial, legal or technical texts in which the terms of the business agreements are written
  • Insurance and patent documents etc.

Many technical texts are among the texts that require institutional translation.

What are the Other Services We Offer Along with Corporate Translation?

Institutional translation is a translation technique that does not accept errors, and each term used should be given special attention. The professional translation team of the Iyitercume team can be used to facilitate corporate relations and to agree on commercial, economic, sectoral partnership, job sharing and employment conditions. Other services we offer in this context;

  • Translation of international trade agreements
  • Translation of labor and worker contracts
  • Translation of corporate certificates
  • Translation of site content for website language options
  • Translation of product catalogues, brochures and promotional catalogues
  • Instant interpreting in job interviews
  • 7/24 translation services hotline

As the Iyitercume family, instant translation services are offered in business meetings between companies and institutions, and the conditions and necessary details can be instantly translated and communicated to the other party. At the same time, thanks to our urgent translation team, the corporate documents, brochures, agreements or catalogs you have are translated professionally, in a timely manner, and presented to you. In this way, downtime in business or negotiations is minimized, and the satisfaction of institutions or companies is maximized. You can reach the Iyitercüme team at any time (7/24) and get support on the subject.