Today, with the increase in human interaction, the translation profession has also become important. Although there are many types of translation in the translation profession, one of the most preferred ones is the urgent translation service. The biggest reason why urgent translation service is preferred is that it offers faster translation services than other types of translation. Although this translation service adds positive points to people in terms of time, it can lead to bad results if experts are not consulted in terms of service quality. Since the translation is done quickly in a short time, help from competent, experienced translators who have good knowledge of grammar and terminology should be sought. Urgent interpreting is a very stressful and difficult job. Since the content is translated simultaneously with the speaker, the possibility of making mistakes increases, so the translator should do stress management well. The Iyitercüme team, with its professional staff, supports you with urgent translation service whenever you race against time.

In Which Fields Is Urgent Translation Used?

Urgent translation service is generally used by corporate companies or companies to quickly translate catalogs or promotional posters (that is, texts consisting of only a few pages) into different language options. Although it does not produce very healthy results for customers, companies often prefer urgent translation in order to save time. Urgent translation service is one of the services provided online, usually via whatsapp or e-mail. Customers who send their documents through these channels have the foreign language options of the content within a few minutes. As can be seen, urgent translation, which does not leave much room for control and concentration, is frequently criticized among other translators.

One of the areas where urgent translation service is most needed is the translation of documents between the exporter and the importer during customs procedures. Here, the customs officer, who is racing against time and needs to complete the work as soon as possible, can request the translation of documents, explanations written on the goods, tax laws and various other commercial procedures by using the urgent translator. In this way, the work is not interrupted and hours or days are not waited for the translation text to arrive. Urgent translation is a translation service that can be difficult and time-consuming to do alone, mostly carried out by a team. Offices that provide urgent translation services are also used, especially in languages ​​that are not used very often in customs procedures. It should not be forgotten that a professional team should definitely be preferred for urgent translation, especially since the translation of official documents is done frequently. Otherwise, minor translation errors may cause major problems.

Another area where emergency translation service is used is consulates. Urgent interpreters come to the rescue of individuals trying to explain their problems in the consulate building of another country. The translation of both what he wants to say and the information and documents he has in a foreign language is done within minutes, thanks to urgent translators. The point to be noted here is that the urgent translation service should not be used in all areas and can only be used for urgent works. For example, translating an academic journal such as a medical journal into different language options with an urgent translation service will definitely lead to errors in translation and misunderstanding of data. Urgent translation service should not be preferred for texts such as this one, especially for academic texts or texts that may change the position of both parties (for example, companies’ employment contracts, partnership terms, etc.). While an error in medical translations may cost a person’s life, mistranslation of even a number in the contracts can cause millions of dollars in damage.

What Should Be Considered in Urgent Translation Service?

Urgent translation service is usually requested during customs procedures or by consulates. Text and documents for this online translation service are delivered to us by our customers via whatsapp, e-mail, our website or other channels they prefer. Our translation team, who has the jargon and terminology of the area where the text will be used, is assigned for this job. Our team translates the text into the desired target language within minutes. If there are grammatical errors, typos or incorrect translations, they are quickly checked and corrected by our expert editors. The text whose translation is requested is delivered to the customer through the channel requested by the customer.

We only offer our services with a focus on customers, taking into account their wishes and needs. With the principle of minimum time and maximum service, you can get the most accurate emergency translation service thanks to the Iyitercüme team. Thanks to our experienced team specialized in their profession, we strive to satisfy you by eliminating all possible problems in urgent translation service. Thanks to our extensive team of grammar and terminology, we make your texts clearly understandable.